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Nick Shackleton-Jones - LIVE - 24/01/24 16h00-17h00

Nick Shackleton-Jones is a revolutionary. Author of 'How People Learn', he is responsible for coining the ‘courses to resources’ shift, the first general theory of learning (the Affective Context Model), and the 5Di (human-centred learning design) approach. He has a track record of shaping future learning approaches for numerous public and private organisations. Former CLO at Deloitte UK, now CEO at Shackleton Consulting.

Winner of several awards for people development, strategy, innovation, and learning content, including the Learning & Performance Institute’s Award for Services to the Learning Industry, 2017. He began professional life as a psychology lecturer, and has since worked in consultancy, Siemens, BBC, BP, Deloitte in roles encompassing learning strategy, culture, leadership, innovation, technology & multimedia.

He can be found saying provocative things on platforms from LinkedIn and Twitter to TikTok, and is well-known in the corporate learning industry for ground-breaking work & thinking.


Applying new technology to old thinking isn’t progress. For thirty years the learning technology landscape has been dominated by a single sales pitch: more stuff, cheaper. And despite decades of investment in dumping content in ever small chunks, it has failed to become more palatable to learners as a consequence, who continue to complain that they don’t have time for distractions. Now, poised to repeat the mistake once more with AI, we might pause to wonder why our past efforts have failed so abysmally. Could it be that we need to start with an understanding of learning? That perhaps there is more to learning that being force-fed content in the way that education so often does?

Perhaps a learning professional should be able to answer questions such as: ‘what is learning?’, ‘how does it work?’. Perhaps the answer to those questions would enable us to answer further questions like ‘what is the role of AI?’, ‘how do we evaluate learning?’, ‘what is the best way to design learning?’. In this session, Nick will provide answers, share examples and provoke thinking.

Key takeaways include:

  • Why education is stopping you from doing learning
  • How to make a measurable impact on performance & experience
  • How to avoid wasting lots of money on AI
His keynote will likely contain marshmallows too!

Lees in het Magazine Leren & Ontwikkelen december 2023 wat Margreet Boeren denkt over het boek How People Learn geschreven door Nick Shackleton-Jones in 2023, en ondertussen aan een tweede druk toe.

We hebben uiteraard een aantal exemplaren van dit boek in onze L&D bib, maar wie zeker wil zijn van een (ter plaatse te signeren) exemplaar kan deze met promocode LEREN25 bestellen bij Kogan Page. Je zal via deze code 25% korting krijgen. Bij de checkout moet je de code invoeren bij 'Add an offer code'. Je kan uitchecken als guest of je kan een Kogan Page account aanmaken.


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