
Hier lees je meer over leerlijn 2: een masterclass voorafgaand aan de eigenlijke 12 L&D Talks.

Register for the masterclass 22+23/10/24 -> -> ->

De L&D Talks worden op 22/10/24 geopend met een masterclass over een onderwerp die in digitale tijden en op basis van wetenschappelijk onderzoek een grote verandering onderging: Learning Design. Julie Dirksen (USA) schreef hier de bestseller Talk to the Elephant over en is de ideale persoon om jou als (ervaren) L&D-professional een meerwaarde te bieden bij het ontwerp van leerervaringen om het gedrag van (je) medewerkers te beïnvloeden.

Er kunnen maximaal 20 Stimulearners aansluiten. De deelnameprijs is € 600.00 ex btw. Niet-Stimulearners betalen € 1000.00. Wie uiterlijk 01/09/24 inschrijft ontvangt tevens het boek Talk to the Elephant.

Iedereen wordt verondersteld voor aanvang van het event een aantal documenten door te nemen en/of antwoorden op vragen voor te bereiden.

De Masterclass gaat door op dezelfde locatie als de L&D Talks 24/10/24. Wie di. 22/10/24 of woe 23/10/24 's avonds wil blijven (overnachting en ontbijt) betaalt € 200.00 extra per nacht.

Learning Design for Behavior Change


Learning design is often seen as showing people how to do the right things. Actually getting them to change their behavior can be another challenge, particularly with those hard-to-control behaviors and habits that everyone struggles to avoid, despite the wealth of available information about better choices.

Behavioral design is a rapidly evolving discipline drawing from the research and science behind behavior change, including techniques from the fields of neuroscience, behavioral economics, behavioral psychology, persuasive technology, and habit formation. Most training has the goal of changing behavior but isn’t drawing on behavioral science to be more effective.

In this masterclass you’ll explore the research and science behind real behavior change. You will look at what learning designers can learn from each of these disciplines and how you can use technology as an effective behavior change tool.

Any level of instructional design or content expert can benefit from understanding this topic better. The class does assume a base level knowledge of the instructional process.

The class will focus on diagnosing the behavior change challenge, matching the problem to appropriate solutions, and creating an implementation plan.

You will leave this workshop understanding the psychology, methods, and motivations of behavior change that are becoming an increasingly necessary part of a learning designer’s toolbox. You will learn:
  • How to identify and understand the barriers to behavior change
  • Research-based methods to design solutions that not only inform learners but also inspire behavior change
  • How to use specific models and techniques for designing a change effort
  • How to design and implement a behavior change strategy


tue. 22/10/24
  • 08h30 - 09h00 welcome coffee
  • 09h00 - 10h00 defining the behavior
  • 10h00 - 10h30 understanding users
  • Break
  • 10h45 - 12h00 analyzing user motivation
  • Lunch
  • 13h00 - 14h30 analyzing the system
  • Break
  • 14h45 - 16h00 analyzing behaviors using COM-B
wed. 23/10/24
  • 09h00 - 10h00 mapping impact domains
  • 10h00 - 10h30 identifying strategies
  • Break
  • 10h45 - 12h00 identifying strategies, cont
  • Lunch
  • 13h00 - 14h30 project intervention design
  • Break
  • 14h45 - 16h00 design share and measurement / evaluation design